Smirnoff Infamous Since 1864 - More of our Story.

It’s been snatched. Stashed. Traded in secret. Concealed. Used as barter. Trafficked. Widowed. Divorced. Captured. Imprisoned. Exiled. Hidden. Fled from the Russian Government. Resurrected in Istanbul. Brought down. Resurrected in France. Indebted. Resurrected in Poland. Prohibited. Resurrected in America. Disguised. Ours is a vodka chosen by rascals and provocateurs. Theirs, and ours, is a timeless world of intrigue, of story, of delicious mischief. Of sharp, witty retorts, raised brows, red-lipped smirks, secret nods, and mysterious packages. There are people, and there are characters. ...There are events, and there are stories. There’s fame, and there’s infamy. There’s vodka, then there’s Smirnoff.
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