
我的Instagram也开张啦!▶ 按赞滇西小哥Facebook粉丝专页 ▶ 订阅滇西小哥YouTube频道 ▶ 有一种野生的杨梅,熟透了都是青的,太阳晒了会微微变红,但味道依然特别酸。我摘了些回来,给爷爷泡了青杨梅酒,加蘸水辣拌了一碗过了个嘴瘾!剩下的熬了一罐杨梅醋,傍晚的时候拌一碗凉鸡米线,幸福满满~ These wild Chinese bayberries remain green even when they are completely ripe. They will turn slightly red after getting some sunlight, but the taste is still very sour. I picked some and made green bayberry wine for my grandpa. Mixing with dipping chilies and it is such a great treat! I u
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