Tanpura Tampura *60min* Drone B (Meditation Yoga - Relax Deep,sleep Study Calming

Tambura Tanpura Tampura - Relaxing music - This video is designed for various daily needs: as a calming sound to play in the background while studying, reading or as a soothing sound to help you sleep and have good dreams or to harmonize your ambient (house, room) . It’s really very effective as anti stress, mainly to have a good night sleep and rest your mind and thoughts. When mind is overstressed your body feels so tired and you become less productive. You can use it this video as a fast relaxing exercise, stay in a sleep position and just listen this relaxing sounds for 20 or 30 minutes when you need to relax, it can be done in any time of the day that you feel tired, it will reload your energy and take off the sensation of felling tired. it happens because your mind stops to trouble for feel minutes. Try it and send your feedback, Regards. Este vídeo é projetado para diversas necessidades diárias: como um som calmante para
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