Departing Taiwanese embassy official allegedly burns Nauruan flag

The Republic of Nauru has recently established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China ending its previous diplomatic recognition of Taiwan as the official representative of China. Shortly after relations had been severed, a video emerged which purportedly showed a member of the former Taiwanese diplomatic team burning the flag of Nauru along with what looked like embassy documents. The video, which has not been verified, appeared to have been filmed by a local person. According to reports, the individual in question, who no longer enjoys diplomatic immunity, attempted to flee back to Taiwan after the affair on the instruction of the Taiwanese authorities. The individual has been arrested by the Nauruan authorities and is said to be awaiting trial. That this was seemingly done at the behest of the Taiwanese speaks volumes as to the attitude of Taiwan towards Nauru and its other host nations. Thumbnail courtesy of Vector Stock ().
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