Vanilla Wetlands Music & Ambience (3 hours, World of Warcraft Classic)
Coming back with 3 hours of Wetlands Music & Ambience (WoW Vanilla) - Together with your World of Warcraft Wetlands’ favourite soundtrack you will be able to see 3 hours of in-game ambience with no repetition, captured in different periods of the day / night.
The Wetlands is a buffer zone between inhabited Khaz Modan and Scourge-infested Lordaeron and was the subject of many violent battles between many races: Ironforge Dwarves (Bronzebeard Clan) & Humans, Dragonmaw Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarves, Wildhammer Clan, Red Dragonflight, Gnolls, Murlocs, Horde and Scourge.
A very contested area is the Grim Batol fortress, now under Red Dragonflight control (previously controlled by Wildhammer Clan and Dragonmaw Clan).
Horde and The Scourge devastated the Wetlands in the Second and Third Wars, forcing the Bronzebeard Clan Dwarves to retreat to Loch Modan and Dun Morogh.
Music tracks on this video - where you can hear them first time (they are marked also in the video):
00:00:10 Soggy Place (1) by Derek Duke
00:01:47 Soggy Place (2) by Derek Duke
00:03:25 Soggy Place (3) by Derek Duke
00:04:56 Soggy Place (4) by Derek Duke
00:06:26 Soggy Place (5) by Derek Duke
00:07:35 Night Forest (1) by Jason Hayes
00:08:28 Night Forest (2) by Jason Hayes
00:09:11 Night Forest (3) by Jason Hayes
00:10:11 Night Forest (4) by Jason Hayes
00:43:31 Day Jungle (1) by Jason Hayes
00:44:17 Day Jungle (2) by Jason Hayes
00:45:55 Day Jungle (3) by Jason Hayes
02:41:30 Zone Mystery (8) by Matt Uelmen
Areas of interest in Wetlands (World of Warcraft Vanilla):
00:00:11 Menethil Harbor / Menethil Keep / Menethil Bay - Previously Baradin Bay (port in Western shore of Wetlands)
00:20:00 Black Channel Marsh (holds numerous raptor lairs)
00:25:00 Whelgar’s Excavation Site (dwarven archaeology digsite)
00:35:20 Bluegill Marsh (the site of several Bluegill murloc camps)
00:43:30 The Lost Fleet (the remnants of the Third Fleet of Kul Tiras who were under the command of Derek Proudmoore)
00:55:00 Sundown Marsh (the swampland on all sides are full of aggressive crocolisks, gnolls, raptors, bog beasts, and oozes)
01:00:00 Saltsprey Glen (crawling with the numerous raptors)
01:05:00 Ironbeard’s Tomb (The Ironbeard clan’s crypt has been defiled by oozes)
01:10:00 Dun Modr (The fallen city of Dun Modr, now occupied by Dark Iron dwarves)
01:18:00 Thandol Span (two stone bridges which spanned the cliffs, engineered by dwarves)
01:25:00 Direforge Hill (another Dark Iron Dwarves, deeper in Wetlands territory)
01:35:00 Angerfang Encampment (home to a group of orcs which form the remnants of the Dragonmaw Clan)
01:43:00 The Green Belt (area where the trees and shrubs grow especially thick and where swamp flowers bloom all year around)
01:53:00 Raptor Ridge (the raptors’ lair in Westland area)
01:58:00 Dragonmaw Gates (a set of grandiose gates that block the winding path leading up to Grim Batol)
02:08:00 Grim Batol (contested fortress built by Wildhammer Clan)
02:16:30 Mosshide Fen (area in Wetlands which has fallen under control of the Mosshide tribe of gnolls)
02:41:30 Thelgen Rock (an extensive cavern that stretches deep into the Khaz Mountains, full of poisonous spiders)
02:46:50 Dun Algaz (the tunneled mountain pass area between Loch Modan and the Wetlands)
02:59:00 Outro (Please support me)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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