Location: Aswan Dam, Egypt
LS. Motor launch carrying Mr. Khrushchev and President Nasser across the waters of the Nile River. GV. Section of the near-complete dam. VS. Khrushchev and Nasser wave to crowds on the bands and on the smaller craft. They then throw engraved granite rocks into the river for the beginning of the project to bar the river with a mighty dam.
VS. In a special marquee the two leaders in turn make small speeches on friendship between their two countries and on the Aswan Dam. VS. Arab crowds clapping.
VS. At ceremony where the two leaders press buttons for the blowing up of the dyke that holds the waters back. LV. The dyke blowing up and the waters gushing through. VS. Lorry after lorry load of rock and granite being poured into the water to start the barring of the River Nile.
VS. Mr. Khrushchev waving to crowds and meeting President Nasser. VS Nasser and Khrushchev speaking. Moving shots through Egyptian streets, with Nasser and Khruschev standing in a car waving to the ver
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11 years ago 01:01:09 106
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