3D Анатомия человека - голова и шея, вид сзади.

Anatomy human - head and neck. Head and neck anatomy focuses on the structures of the head and neck of the human body, including the brain, bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, glands, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, and throat. It is an area frequently studied in depth by surgeons, dentists, dental technicians, and speech language pathologists. The head is positioned upon the superior portion of the vertebral column, attaching the skull upon C-1 (the first cervical vertebra known as the atlas). The skeletal section of the head and neck forms the superior segment of the axial skeleton and comprises skull, hyoid bone, auditory ossicles, and cervical spine. The skull can be further subdivided into: (a) cranium (8 bones: frontal, 2-parietal, occipital, 2-temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid), and (b) facial bones (14 bones: 2-zygomatic, 2-maxillary, 2-palatine, 2-nasal, 2-lacrimal, vomer, 2-inferior conchae, mandible). Анатомия человека - голова и шея. Голова́ (Caput)— часть тела человека или животного, в которой наход
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