Chris Lloyd aka The vegan
Jay Bourne aka The giner
Matthew Helliwell aka The kiwi Take on the UK . Trans European Trail on Honda C90’s
Why ? because we love a challenge and they are the most incredible all-round bike in the world ! plus it was much more cooler to arrive at the Armchair Adventure Festival in Plymouth on cubs than a bus 😄
TET GPX files 👇
Navigation systems 👇
OSM and Maps viewed on android phone.
GPX file on View Ranger viewed on android phone .
TomTom 550 GPX TET file ,mode of transport set to bicycle and unpaved roads not ticked (85% TET route achievable)
This is our adventure to share with you😉🤘
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Small Bikes Big Adventures
Music credits
Lofi jazz hip hop music (Relax & Calm )
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