Simulated floppy disk with real magnetic data transfer

An adapter that turns a flash based memory format into a floppy disk. The adapter simulates the magnetic signal that a floppy drive expects to see. This adapter was invented by SmartDisk and popularized by Sony for their range of floppy disk digital cameras. This enabled Sony’s late model floppy disk based digital cameras to also use memory sticks. The principal used is the same as popular cassette tape adapters, but instead with a digital magnetic signal. A teardown of the adapter results in damage to the internals and concludes with a repair attempt. Sony 64MB MemoryStick FlashPath - An Interim Solution Sony MSAC-FD2M Floppy Disk Adaptor for Memory Stick Music: DJ TR!P Song: Janus Cycle (Cyba) Song: Janus Cycle (Control)
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