Yedid Nefesh - Beloved of My Soul
Piyyut by Rabbi Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (1533 - 1600)
Music Composed by Pursa
Beloved of my soul, Merciful Father
draw your servant after your will
Your servant would run swift as a deer
to kneel before Your splendor
For Your love is sweeter to him
than honey nectar and all pleasing savor
Exalted Glorious Beautiful Light of the World
my soul is love-sick for You
Then she will be strengthened and healed
and be Your maidservant forever
Ancient One arouse Your mercy
spare the son of Your beloved friend
Please, My God, please heal her
by showing her the
... beauty of Your radiance
For he has a long time longed to behold
the magnificence Your might
Please, My God, My Heart’s Delight,
oh come quickly do not forsake me
Reveal Yourself my dearest
and spread over me Your canopy of peace
Let the earth be illuminated with Your glory
let us be delighted and rejoice in You
Make haste my beloved for the time has come show me
Your favor as in the days of old
Sung By Brian Shamash
Leanne Darling, viola
Eleanor Norton, cello
Lauren DeAlbert, percussion
Engineered by Ryan Streber productions
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