Deadly Redback Spider Flamethrower Non Chemical Spider Control Fast And Effective

Black Widow spiders with large red markings on their back are the deadly Australian spider known as Redback spiders. These killer spiders set up spider nests with messy webs in warm dry areas. In a previous spider video I tried to kill a giant Redback Spider with Rexona Deodorant spray. This had zero effect. Then many comments from viewers said I used the Rexona wrong and needed to light it up to make a Rexona flamethrower. This time around I have a totally different result. The short burst of heat was highly effective spider control. I don’t want spiders like this where my son plays with his Big Scary Redback Spider Vs Rexona Deodorant (Viewer Request) Spider expert viewers of this video have said the other spider is a Brown Recluse spider. If thats the case this is a deadly double act. The Redback spider (Latrodectus hasseltii) is a species of venomous spider indigenous to Australia. It is a member of the cosmopolitan genus Latrod
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