Lowered 321ft Underground into a Cave - Gaping Gill Winch - Ingleborough, Clapham, Yorkshire Dales

Gaping Gill is a cave in the north western part of the Yorkshire Dales with the 100m Fell Beck, the highest unbroken waterfall in Britain inside it. However, most people don’t get to see this waterfall because it’s inside a cave and access is restricted. You can only go in the cave if you’re an experienced potholer, the general public aren’t allowed in. Except, that is, twice a year during the winch meet when around 2,000 people get to be lowered into the cave to see this wondrous, extensive underground cavern, one of the biggest in Britain. Thanks for tuning into Stone Age Productions, Why n...ot hit that subscribe button and the little bell icon next to it so you don’t miss out on any future uploads and why not give this video a big thumbs up too.. I wanna say a huge thank you to everyone out there who watches and supports this channel, you people are the best! #SubscribeToTheOutdoors Climb, Hike, Bike, Camp, Explore the Outdoors & Live the Adventure! Enjoy, Comment and Sh
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