Ugandan President Just Exposed The UN-Led Crisis In Congo.
#africanews #blackhistory
Have you observed that every article on Google that talks about the withdrawal of the UN peacekeeping forces from the Democratic Republic of Congo, always paints it as if it was their idea to leave? If you check, these articles usually start like this “The United Nations Security Council has voted unanimously in favour of gradually phasing out its peacekeeping operations known as MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Well, they may have voted but the truth is they were kicked out by the people and government of the DRC who have had enough of their presence in their country. It’s the same way these so-called peacekeepers were also kicked out of Mali when it became obvious to everyone that they had failed to achieve the reason why they came into the country in the first place. Now, have you ever wondered why in most African countries, the number one problem they have been facing in recent times is insecurity? And, if you observe all these countries with a serious security crisis, one thing that is always present is the presence of external security forces sent by the concerned international community to deal with the security problem. However, these foreign security forces, for instance, the UN peacekeepers, always fail to solve the problem despite their sophisticated weaponry and huge budget. The question is why? Why has no African country, for example, the DRC, been able to deal with insecurity either caused by Islamist jihadists or armed rebels despite the presence of UN forces? For the DRC crisis, Uganda President, Yoweri Museveni gives some answers. Let’s take a look.
On his X account, the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, accused the United Nations of conserving” terrorism in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and breeding chaos in multiple countries in the Sahel region. In his own words “Part of the terrorism in Africa is either created or conserved by some of the actors that try to be global policemen- in other words the UN. He also added that “The chaos in Libya and the surrounding countries of the Sahel (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad among others) was caused by some of these actors. The terrorism conservation project in Eastern Congo for the past 20 years is by the UN and which is controlled by some of these actors through the undemocratic structures of that body such as the Security Council. President Museveni further added that “It is amazing how the UN can supervise and coexist with killers of Congolese and Ugandans in Eastern Congo for the last 20 years and they are not bothered at all. They have created free space for all sorts of empty-headed pigs to gather, train, steal resources of Congo, kill Congolese citizens, and once in a while kill Ugandans as well as undermining the economic future of the people of the Great Lakes,” To conclude his statement, The president stated that Uganda would join forces with the DRC government to defeat the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels that have committed multiple crimes in both states.
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