Developing Jazzy Chromaticism On Harmonica. Today we’re using this cool, jazzy, organ style blues backing track from the ButterNote Music Channel to explore how to learn some cool chromatic runs the SAME way on Each chord of a blues. Not only are these are the same licks that Paul Butterfield’s bass and guitar players used on his classic number “Born In Chicago“ but more importantly they’re teaching us how to learn, use and improvise with some useful, fun and congruent chromaticism on each chord of a standard blues. Today we will learn this in TWO positions, both 2nd and 3rd while shining some light on how 2nd position and 3rd position frequently overlap and relate to each other as 2/3rds of the licks are the SAME in both positions! Check it out and understand more after watching! Love Yall!
CORRECTION FOR THE V CHORD: 2b 2d, 3’’’, 3d (STARTS on 2b NOT 2“) Thank you and Sorry!
Moon Cat
* Butternote Backing Track: