Crack!Ship Collab

Title: Crack!Ship Collab From the mind of: Jane Idea: Turn a character’s obsession (real or implied) into a humorous relationship. Part 1 - Lsdivoiletgreen - Sam&Dean (SPN)/Motels Part 2 - ImNaturallySuper - Barney (HIMYM)/Suits Part 3 - InThereTriumphDie - Sofi (2 Broke Girls)/Cupcakes Part 4 - NothingOriginal55 - Anya (BTVS)/Obliviousness Part 5 - ImNaturallySuper - Lorelia (Gilmore Girls)/Coffee Part 6 - angel6881 - Gwaine (Merlin)/Food Part 7 - svesh95 - Dean (SPN)/The Impala Part 8 - spuffy
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