Galactica’s Last Celestial Dome

#tomowensuap From the 24th episode of the original Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979) titled The Hand of God. The clip reminds me of having conducted student observing sessions with twin refractors and later with my personal 10“ diameter computer-controlled Schmidt Cassegrain. Liberal Arts and Business students often took the Basic Astronomy Course for a mathematics requirement, and I would sadly come across many who thought the effort a complete waste of time. The Apollo 11 Moon landing contest was won by Bill Matthews on 4 Feb 2022. These symbolic images ~should~ be used to motivate research into the actual physics of EM radiation and Quantum Entanglement. In his 1985 book Contact, Carl Sagan proposed that ET ~might~ pick up the 1936 Olympics TV transmission, but that they really wouldn’t have sufficient context to understand it in isolation. Earth’s ordinary, non-directed, television and FM radio transmissions can and do travel out of Earth’s atmosphe
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