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In 2003 science fiction television was changed forever following the release of Battlestar Galactica. While it’s final season and ultimate ending were highly controversial, it was clear there was still appetite for more Galactica stories, thus the end of the series wouldn’t be the last we heard from this version of the Battlestar Galactica universe.
Special thanks to all Patrons and Members!
00:00 Squarespace Ad
01:01 Intro
02:03 The Plan
07:38 Spinoff Development
09:20 Casting
...09:59 Production
11:04 Caprica (2010)
17:07 Reception/Cancellation
18:17 Prequel Development
18:51 Casting
19:27 Production
21:05 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (2012)
23:16 Reception
24:35 Legacy
25:59 Outro
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