Best Shark Attack Video

READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that has already been said by another, click this link to a better video for you. or go directly to “Shark Attack Edit for Stupid People.“ Tarpon fishing under Long Key bridge near Duck Key, Fl. After a 20 minute fight with a tarpon, a 14 foot long hammer head shark attacks and eventually eats the tarpon. We tried our best to protect the tarpon by running it down and creating as much noise and bubbles to confuse the shark and hide the tarpon. After a quick release, the shark returns and I aggressively circle the tarpon as the shark slices at it boat side. After about 5 hits, the shark wins and swims off with the tarpon in its mouth. Moments later, half of the 65lb tarpon floats up and I grab the remains to add to the documentation. The shark returns on a high speed pass and bumps the boat with significant enou
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