Birkenhead Tunnel Shaft (1926)

Merseyside. Title: “BIRKENHEAD TUNNEL SHAFT. Sir Archibald Salvidge cuts first sod“. High angled shot of a crowd gathered around a large wooden frame, a group of people are gathered around a large bucket, Sir Archibald holds a spade, next to him the mayor gives a speech. High angled shot of Sir Archibald using a pick axe to hit the cobbled ground, the crowd watches, he stops hitting the ground, looks up to the camera and tips his hat. High angled shot of men, including the mayor and Sir Archibald using shovels to dig an area of soil where the cobbles have been cleared away. M/S of the men digging, they place the soil in the large bucket, a crowd of men in flat caps watch from the background. M/S of the mayor giving a speech, Sir Archibald and several of the other men seen digging stand beside him. Each of the men holds a metal case (looks like a pencil case), as the mayor finishes his speech, they wrap the cases in metal clothes - could they be time capsules to be buried in the shaft? FILM
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