James Longstreet: Gettysburg Grand Reunion | Part 25

Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet is one of the most controversial figures of the American Civil War. His political views after the war turned a lot of his former comrades against him. Critics attacked him for his choices at the Battle of Gettysburg, his absence at Chancellorsville, and many other military aspects. In this biography, I will highlight the life of this most interesting commander from the Civil War and illuminate his private and public life. In this episode, Longstreet revisits the Gettysburg Battlefield. #AmericanCivilWar #Chickamauga160 #Chickamauga #longstreet #gettysburg #battleofgettysburg #gettysburg160 #civilwar #virginia #Battlefield #Confederate #Union #Confederacy #UnitedStates #military #militaryhistory #Battles #History #HistoryGoneWilder #HaveHistoryWillTravel #Historynerd #Historygeek #HistoryCritique #historymemes #historyinthemaking #historynerd #historychannel #historybuff #historylover #historylesson #historyfacts #historygeek #historyinpictures #historymaker #historylovers #historyteacher #historymakers #historymeme #historytour #historymade #historytv18 #historymuseum #Historymatters ?
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