Siddhidatri Jaap Mantra 108 Repetitions ( Navdurga Series )
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Goddess Siddhidatri
| Vande Vanchit Manorathartha Chandraardhakrita Shekharam |
|| Kamalasthitam Chaturbhujam Siddhidatri Yashasvinim ||
| Swarnavarnna Nirvanachakra Sthitam Navam Durga Trinetram |
|| Shankha, Chakra, Gada, Padmadharam Siddhidatri Bhajem ||
Praised be you fulfiller of wishes, aborned with a crescent of moon | You who sit on Lotus, having four hands such is the Great lady Siddhidatri || She who has golden complexion on body resides in th topmost crown wheel of the body , Ninth among the Navadurgas who has three eyes | yieldng a conch discuss Mace and lotus of bliss, I pray to Siddhidatri ||
In the beginning of the universe Lord Rudra worshipped Adi-Parashakti for creation. It is believed that Goddess Adi-Parashakti had no form. The supreme Goddess of Power, Adi-Parashakti, appeared in the form of Siddhidatri from the left half of Lord Shiva.
Goddess Siddhidatri sits on Kamal and rides on the lion. She is depicted with four hands. She has Gada in the one right hand, Chakra in the other right hand, lotus flower in the one left hand and Shankh in the other left hand.
She is the Goddess who possesses and bestows all type of Siddhis to her devotees. Even Lord Shiva got all Siddhis by grace of Goddess Siddhidatri. She is worshipped by not only humans but also by Deva, Gandharva, Asura, Yaksha and Siddha. Lord Shiva got the title of Ardha-Narishwar when Goddess Siddhidatri appeared from his left half.
It is said that Devi Siddhidatri bestows the Siddhis upon Her devotees who pray to Her with a pure mind. Siddhis are the spiritual and magical abilities which help an individual to accomplish greater things in life.
According to the Markandeya Purana, the eight siddhis are: Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitva and Vasitva. Goddess Siddhidatri governs all these siddhis and a person who prays to the Goddess on this day attains all these powers.
Anima - Ability to reduce the size of the body, sometimes even to the size of the atoms.
Mahima - Ability to assume a gigantic form.
Garima - Ability to become very heavy in weight by will.
Laghima - Laghima comes from the word laghu, which means small or light. Laghima is the ability to make the body very light.
Prapti - Word praapti means ’to obtain’, ’having obtained’, ’to have got’. Thus praapti is the ability to acquire anything anywhere.
Prakamya - The ability to obtain anything desired, ability to have realized the dreams.
Isitva - Isa=lord; isitva=lordship; The power of absolute lordship over entire creation.
Vasitva - The ability to have everything under control, especially the physical manifestation made up of 5 elements.
Goddess Siddhidatri is worshipped on the ninth day of Navratri. It is believed that Goddess Siddhidatri provides direction and energy to planet Ketu. Hence planet Ketu is governed by her.
Note - Compositing Animation and Music Composition has all done by me. Copyright rules apply.
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6 months ago 00:36:38 5
Siddhidatri Jaap Mantra 108 Times | सिद्धिदात्री जाप मंत्र | Day 9 Mantra | Day Colour - Purple 2020