A friend of mine introduced me to Chrno Crusade manga a while back (looooong story on that). Such a sad and well-written plot. And I last February wondered if I could make a prop that opened up. And I kept wondering and wondering until I sat down and tried to figure it out.
I’d argue it does “work.“ I lost five months (free) time to it. Was it worth it? You bet. It has a few alignment problems and sadly the clock doesn’t work. (I managed to break the clock I had while trying to whittle down part of the back casing, so I scrapped that idea since I couldn’t find that size clock again.) However, it proved to be an interesting challenge and something that probably hasn’t been done before. And I gained a lot of experience in working with both brass and a Dremel Tool.
Design-wise, I went with the manga version, which has the pop-up top and the circuit-like designs rather than the gears. Both my friend and I prefer the manga, so I went with that design. However, t