Ambience/ASMR: Medieval Monastery (Scribe’s Chamber) & Gregorian Chant, 4 Hours

For Diane. List of Sounds: - the bubbling & trickling of a spring-fed stream that meanders the monastery grounds, summoned forth from the living rock by an ancient, sainted abbot and regarded thus as holy - songbirds who greet the sun with an ever-constant, ever-new canticle of praise - wind that is gentle but too brisk to be a breeze, moving over and through the fields, trees, cloisters, and chapels -- invisible yet tangible, like the divine, life-kissed exhalation from which Adam first drew breath - the quadrupedal & avian lay-brothers and lay-sisters, devoted with equal monastic fidelity to their noble simplicity of service: sheep grazing upon hillside meadows of late-summer flowers; cows lowing in distant stables, awaiting the milking hour; oxen bearing increasingly brimful carts through mid-harvest fields, as scythes mow before them; chickens pecking through swaths of stubble for stray grains & succulent insects - equine passersby trotting through the vast pastures and w
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