Jacob Lee - DRIFT (Music Video)

NOTE FROM JACOB: She’s finally here 😭 This is a special one for me. Drift is a culmination of everything I felt during Covid. It speaks of unprecedented anxiety, brain fog & sorrow. Yet even so, it also carries a sense of hope. It’s optimistic, & it conveys strength. I hope this song speaks to you 💛 Explore the links below to dive even further into my universe 👇 🎋 DISCORD → Invite link: → Giving away something special at 3,000 members 🎋 LISTEN TO DRIFT → 🎋 BECOME A YOUTUBE MEMBER → 🎋 EXPLORE THE CONSCIENCE CODEX → ⎯⎯⎯ 🎋 WRITTEN & PERFORMED → Jacob Lee | @jacobleemusic 🎋 PRODUCED & MIXED → Matt Bartlem | @mattbartlem 🎋 DIRECTED → Ten of Swords | @tenofsw
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