DIY - Tres piedras esmeralda 💍💍💍- Three emerald stones - ثلاثة أحجار زمرد- Três pedras esmeraldas-
cuentas cubo 0,4 x 0,4
rondeles 0,6 x 0,5
semillas 11/0
sedal 0,14
cierre pulsera
aguja del numero 11
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Este es mi canal:
cube beads 0.4 x 0.4
rounds 0.6 x 0.5
11/0 seeds
Bracelet closure
number 11 needle
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This is my channel:
perline cubo 0,4 x 0,4
arrotonda 0,6 x 0,5
Semi 11/0
Chiusura con bracciale
ago numero 11
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Questo è il mio canale:
71 view
3 weeks ago 00:07:27 1
Patchwork tutorial: beautiful quilt lessons beginners should try it sewing with simple strips