Ponds and Lakes

#ponds #lakes #ngscience Ponds and Lakes, large pools of water surrounded by land, are bustling homes to a variety of plants and animals. Around these water bodies, you’ll find beautiful plants like water lilies and reeds. Water lilies with their bright flowers attract many insects, while reeds stand tall at the water’s edge. Some plants like duckweed and pondweeds even grow on or beneath the water’s surface. Animals are also attracted to these habitats. Turtles and frogs can be seen lounging on lily pads, birds like ducks paddle on the surface, and reptiles such as lizards and snakes can be found near the water’s edge. These habitats are filled with life - near the water, on the surface, and even beneath the waves. From plants to animals, ponds and lakes provide a vibrant, diverse ecosystem for us to discover!
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