DISCLAIMER: the stories/images presented in following album are pure fiction and should be treated as novels. Following any of described immoral actions that break the law is discouraged. Any similarity to actual person, living or dead, or past event, is purely coincidental.
Some people may find the content as disturbing or unpleasant.
Male, 18; observation notes from
Patient was moved from ICU on around 12PM due to impossible logical communication despite the patient was being awake and conscious. Earlier at , the patient has been transported to ICU after home accident; patient was unconscious at time of hospitalization, initially recognized with brain concussion.
Handicapped mobility and frequent salivation are suggesting brain damage. Patient has troubles with holding objects and walking - observed chaotic movement, lack of verbal communication persists.
Patient is fed by nurses, appetite seems to be at normal level. Sleeps at irregular time, duration v
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