The Most Exhausting Video Ever - Rusty Exhausts With Remnants Of Peeling Paint

Not all exhausts have to be completely rusted out, and unlike cars or motorbikes, tanks often had exhausts which were painted over. Often right in the factory, but also in the field when the crew sprayed a camouflage over them. So... How to make rusty exhausts with remnants of peeling paint? 🤔🤔🤔 Patreon: Instagram: Tiger 1 Exhaust Tutorial: Rusty Exhaust With A Protective Mesh: Other videos that include exhausts Panzer II: Jagdtiger: Rutscher: Enjoying this type of content? Well, if you’re new here, then don’t be shy to subscribe and maybe even turn on notifications because I keep posting stuff like this every week! Disclaimer: Most of the weathering products I use in my videos such as Ammo by Mig Jimenez, AK-Interactive, Wilder and VMS were sent to me
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