A light to guide the way. {magic reveal}

HD advised! (and YAY for a good screencap, finally! :D) Ok, I don’t know what this actually is, or well let’s say I’m not extremely happy with it, but I only had 3 days to make it and wanted it to be done in time for once for my dearest friend’s birthday. She adores Merlin and Arthur, and I had been thinking about this idea for a little while. I saw some reveal videos, but they usually play around Merlin’s scene with Gilli in 3x11; here I tried something different, and had an excuse to give a spotlight to one of my favourite bits of magic in the entire series. (I still love 1x04 very much!) Quindi, per Milla: AUGURI nel modo migliore che so fare! Il video sarebbe potuto venire meglio ma ci ho messo tutto l’affetto una ragazza speciale e non avrei mai creduto di potermi affezionare così tanto a qualcuno partendo da un gruppo su eccoci qui. Ti voglio bene, ma tanto, sorella lontana :):) Clips: Merlin season
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