Experimental dance theatre 10th Avenue // «LIKE FLIES TO HONEY»

Experimental dance theatre 10th Avenue. Russia // Stavropol “Муха в повидле“ // “LIKE FLIES TO HONEY“ The idea in our heart creates an infinite madness, wich give rise the finest projects in our mind Atr director: Kononova Irina Assistents & dancers: Batsoev Konstantin, Makarenko Vitaliy, Kozlovskiy Eduard, Kozlovskay Anna Dancers: Leschenko Valentin, Akopov Varuzhan, Kirin Mikhail, Polyakova Marina, Kharkevich Diana , Kurennoy Aleksandr, Sizko Aleksandra, Proshina Stanislava, Levchenko Elizaveta, Tokareva
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