Alexia & Alfred Ashford || King & Queen [Resident Evil]
And we continue with the videos on the various ships of Resident Evil, games to which I have become addicted ah ah. Since I am very, very passionate about Resident Evil right now (the word “obsessed“ would be more correct), you can expect more videos on the ships of Billy/Rebecca, Ada/Wesker, Claire/Leon, Jill/Chris, among others lol.
I dedicate this little video to my friend Alexia (it’s very nice to have the same first name as one of your favorite characters, right? XD), who took me into this mess that is Resident Evil and well, in which I wouldn’t want to leave for absolutely anything. I sincerely hope that you will love this little video, sis, given how important Alexia’s character is to you.
So... what do we have here... Alfred and Alexia Ashford. Two British twins coming from a noble and wealthy family, who were distinguished in the past by their glorious ancestor, Veronica Ashford, known to be a woman of incredible intelligence. The ancestor of Veronica, and the grandfather of twins Alfred and Alexia, Edward Ashford, created, in the Resident Evil universe, the Umbrella company with two other associates. He eventually died from the experiences he had there and his son, Alexander, took over. But, far from being as brilliant as his father and even less than his ancestor, he nevertheless made a particular scientific discovery which consisted in isolating the gene that regulated human intelligence (more or less, the scientific details of RE lose me lol). Alexander also became obsessed with his ancestor Veronica and made the decision to try and restore his family to their old glory by mixing this discovery with Veronica’s DNA in an experiment to “resurrect“ Veronica. This experience given birth to twins so, Alexia and Alfred.
Alfred had only slightly above average intelligence, but Alexia fulfilled entirely the wishes of Alexander, a prodigal daughter who graduated at the age of 10 and became a research director for Umbrella the same year.
Nevertheless, despite her immense intelligence, Alexia, as well as Alfred, were cruel, cold people, delighting in torturing others, viewing the rest of humanity as vermin, feeling no love for no one... except for each other. Alfred and Alexia very clearly had an incestuous relationship, although this is not canonically confirmed, we will say that it is very difficult to refute. They only felt real love and tenderness for each other, and they ended up learning how and why they were created, which made them hate their father. To get revenge, Alexia injects to her father a virus that she was working on for the purpose of an experiment, which failed, and her father will turn into a monster, which Alexia and Alfred will keep him locked in a cell of a secret laboratory in Antartic.
Later, Alexia decides to retry the experiment of her virus, but this time on herself, but for make it work, she had to be cryonically frozen for 15 years for the virus to adapt to her body. She leaves her brother in charge of everything and confides herself in him to keep the secret, and protect her during these 15 long years.
Except that during all this time, Alfred lost his sanity, without his sister near him. He became psychotic, unstable, starting to disguise himself as his sister and talk to himself, being convinced that his sister was thus really there, with him. During the games, several characters will disturb Alfred’s sweet madness and force him to reach Antarctic where his sister is asleep. In a fight, he would be fatally injured, and crawl to his sister, who wakes up at that exact moment, her experiment being a success.
Alfred dies in her arms, and she cradles him, naked, against her. She will then put her brother in the cryocapsule she was in, which may mean that she was hoping to find a way to bring her brother back to life. She will then do anything to avenge her brother against those who killed him.
So, we’re on a pretty dark and unhealthy ship, but hey you know I love them, that kind of ship, if you’ve been on my channel for a long time XD I’m cheating with this song because it comes directly from the game and was written for Alfred and Alexia. It was mostly this song that motivated me to edit them, as you can see, these Resident Evil games are particularly old so I’m sorry for the bad quality, it’s just that these are old games.
I don’t know who will like this video among my subscribers, but I know that my friend Alexia will like it, or at least I hope so and for the moment, that’s what matters to me the most but I hope you will still enjoy it :D
Song : “Alexia’s Lullaby“ from Resident Evil : Darkside Chronicles.
Fandom - Characters : Alexia & Alfred Ashford, Resident Evil.
Footage : Resident Evil Code Veronica X, Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles.
Coloring : “Rose Green“ by belovesick.
Program : Sony Vegas Pro 14.
#fanvidfeed #residentevil #alexiaashford #alfredashford #viddingisart
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