life is as inevitable as death.

“What is there to fight for ? Life is a beautiful magnificient thing.“ I often sit on my own and question myself about death. About what’s the point in the end. Someone very dear to me passed away unexpectedly one day simply while falling asleep. Death is inevitable, no matter when or how It will happen. That scared me for a long time. Time passing faster and faster as your life goes did not helped. But I realized something that is very obvious but opened up my eyes on life. If death is inevitable - So is life. Life is inevitable, and this life is a one go. No going back. No second chance. One fucking shot at this. I felt different than most and lonely for almost all my life, felt like I did not fit anywhere. Connecting to all of you with my videos changed me a lot. It taught me that you can do anything. Anything you want, no matter how much you will fail at it before you get there. There’s no losers. Tomorrow will be another day closer to the day we’ll leave this earth. Mak
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