Easy Wave Braid Ponytail

Thank you for stopping by!!! Welcome to our Channel: “Learn Do Teach Hairstyles”😊 (LDT Hairstyles) This channel is all about learning new and different hairstyles! This week’s style is one that we saw somewhere on Pinterest. I was scrolling through and it caught my eye. It was really pretty, but I didn’t plan on doing anything with it. A few days later I ended up using that inspiration to create this style on Graycie and decided to do a tutorial. By that time I forgot who had done it and what it was called, so unfortunately I can’t give proper credit. Our version was different mostly in the way we each laid our vertical “anchor” braids. Ours are flat so you can see the width of the braids. Theirs were on the side so the thin section was visible. I know it sounds like a small detail but it made a big difference. We decided to call our version the “Easy Wave Braid Ponytail”. This is a gorgeous style that looks much harder to do than it is. It’s great for parties, formal gatherings, or just wowing friend
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