Quilted Jeans Bag/Old jeans and fabric scraps upcycling ideas/Сумка из старых джинс и обрезков ткани
My very favourite jeans got it is so sad every time it the handi crafter in me gets super excited about new sewing projects with this jeans!
I really like making bags and backpacks with old jeans. Some time ago I saw a fun video about making quilted decorative fabric/quilt blocks with tiny fabric scraps and decided to try it out!
Here is the original video about this technique:
This quilted part became the main decorative element, so I just needed a jeans “frame“ for it, easy peasy!
Well here we go, see what I’ve made out of it! Stylish shopper bag!
Put “like“ if you enjoyed watching my video! I will appreciate it a lot!
More ideas on my YouTube channel, subscribe and stay put for upcoming fun handcrafting projects!
Джинсы порвались в самом интересном месте и восстановлению не подлежат...что-ж жалко...но не надо отчаиваться, им можно подарить вторую жизнь в качестве стильной сумки-шоппера
5 months ago 00:12:35 1
Upcycling Jeans Bag I sewing Pattern I 청바지로 가방만들기
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