“Bird in the Cage, Fist in the Heart“ - Hyuga Neji (Wing Chun Master) CGI Animation | Naruto Mobile

“Do not fight with the strength, absorb it, and it flows, use it.“ - Ip Man 火影忍者手游, also known as Naruto Mobile, is a fighting mobile game that is developed by 魔方工作室 (MoreFun Studio) and licensed by Bandai Namco. Hope you all enjoy watching this video and don’t forget to like & subscribe for future Naruto Mobile content, thank you! Download the game from the official website: The animation is made by Uzi Entertainment Studio 乌兹文化传播有限公司: Want to understand the concept and behind-the-scenes of this animation? You may watch here: 【火影忍者手游《咏春宁次》CG宣传片幕后解析-哔哩哔哩】 At the same time the stu...dio also worked closely with an actual Wing Chun master on Neiji’s motion capture. You may watch here as well: 【【咏春宁次】动作设计指导,竟是咏春拳非遗传承人!-哔哩哔哩】 游戏的内容版权归腾讯,魔方工作室,万代南梦宫娱乐所有。 All rights reserved by Tencent, MoreFun Studio, Bandai Namco. Dear YouTube, if you’re watching this video and have questions about who made it, please don’t demonetize my channel and remove it. It was a false claim as I made this video. Instead, you may contact me if you have any questions. #NarutoMobile #Neji #WingChun
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