You don’t know this Fishing Hack 100%. Try it for sure!

#крючокнезацепляйка#fishingknots #fishinghacks #diyfishing #freshfishchannel #predatorfish In this video I will show you how to make a triple hook that does not cling to obstacles, such as grass, until the moment the fish bites. В этом видео я покажу как сделать тройной крючек который не цепляется за препятсвия, например траву, до момента поклевки. In this video I will show you how to make a triple hook that does not cling to obstacles, such as grass, until the moment the fish bites. All knots must be WETTED before tightening, in order to avoid overheating of the fishing line! Все узлы перед ...затяжкой необходимо СМАЧИВАТЬ, во избежание перегрева лески или шнура!!! НХНЧ!!! Most Popular Fishing Knots: palomar knot, uni knot, fg knot, gt knot, blood knot, albright knot, snell knot, double uni knot, clinch knot, trilene knot, improved clinch knot, loop knot, yucatan knot, braid twister knot, figure 8 knot, san diego jam knot, ashley stopper knot, paracord knot, uni bl
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