The Theory of Evolution: How Mysticism Became Science
Have you ever wondered how Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution came to be? Delve into the mystical origins of natural selection and reveal the ‘missing link’ between its creators and their devout occult religious beliefs. Discover how the roots of evolutionary biology extend deep into the ancient Mystery religions.
Not only that, but this belief is so ancient it has widespread implications regarding some monumental historical events such as The French Revolution and The Age of Enlightenment. This documentary traces the origins of the esoteric quest of transhumanism, or humans evolving into higher beings, back through the 14th century to various secret societies, and even further than that to the first false promise ever sold to humanity, ‘ye shall be as gods’.
For more information like this, follow me on Substack:
*note that at 24:18 there is a direct quote (linked below) that uses “CE“ as a time marker. I disagree with ’common era’ usage.
Odysee: @probablyalexandra:6?view=content
Venmo: @probablyalexandra
Piltdown Man:
The Royal Society:
Mystic Influence on The Age of Enlightenment:
W. L. Wilmshurst (Book): =ase_conspiracyarc-20/104-8924776-1297547?v=glance&s=books
Helena Blavatsky:
The Secret Doctrine (Book):
The Golem:
Theosophy and Ghandi:
The Lunar Society:
Merchants of Light:
The Secret Teachings of the Ages, M.P. Hall:
Suetonius (68 CE quote): *.html
The Religion Of Mithra:
The Mithra Shrine at Yale:
Statue of Liberty:
Erasmus Darwin:
Human Manifesto:
WP Italy Scandal (Article):
Dateline NBC interview (1994):
Further reading:
Pawns in the Game (1958):
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974):
French Revolution and Orders:
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