’Stitch is International’ exhibition - Preview Part 2

The RSN exhibition, ‘Stitch is International’, should have opened at the end of April 2020 but, as this is not possible, Exhibition Curator and RSN Chief Executive, Dr Susan Kay-Williams, has created a second Preview video. Proving that stitch is indeed international, and can be found in all parts of the globe, this video features work from India, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Guatemala, Panama and a couple of pieces from China. As with all of the pieces in the RSN Collection, they have been given to us and represent items from all levels of society, and for indigenous populations as well as for the tourist trade. For example the Molas, made by the women of the Sand Blas islands of Panama, have a long tradition. Two are made side by side to be worn on the front and back of their blouses. Traditional Molas are made using reverse Appliqué, where the top layers are cut away to reveal the colours underneath, down to the base layer which remains whole. We have some of these in the Collection but we also have some piece
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