Things have been quiet on the channel due to some IRL stuff but the next one has landed. This was done in the October wipe on th

Welcome to the coolest farm base in my opinion. You have all you need right here, a fresh water source and next to a forest full of constantly spawning berries so there is always new genes. I did not have as much time this wipe (October Wipe) as I usually do due to some IRL work and things that happened. But I did not let that get me down and I managed to record this on the morning of wipe day to ensure I have this wipe on record. I repeat myself in saying this is not the most impressive build but I am proud of the unique features I’ve managed to come up with despite new building restrictions on the server. This is a relatively new channel and still so please don’t hesitate to show some love and support or share your critics and opinions and suggestions to help me grow and help improve my content for all of you out there. A big thanks to everyone who has already supported me and have already contributed valuable feedback and suggestions. These fellas are: Jason Dye, Izak Gertenbach, Nical Grobelaar,
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