Shared All Games (Neo Geo vs PlayStation) Side by Side Comparison | VCDECIDE
A Side-by-Side Comparison of Shared All Games between the Neo Geo (Arcade MVS/ AES/ CD) and the PS1 (PlayStation). Note: In chronological order of game release.
00:00 VCDECIDE Intro (Neo Geo vs PS1)
00:09 Viewpoint
00:39 Samurai Shodown
01:09 Samurai Shodown 2
01:39 Galaxy Fight
02:09 Double Dragon
02:39 The King of Fighters ’95
03:09 Gowcaizer
03:39 Stakes Winner
04:09 Samurai Shodown 3
04:39 Real Bout Fatal Fury
05:09 Puzzle Bobble 2
05:39 Metal Slug
06:09 The King of Fighters ’96
06:39 Stakes Winner 2
07:09 Samurai Shodown 4
07:39 Money Idol Exchanger
08:09 Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
08:39 Magical Drop 3
09:09 Samurai Shodown RPG
09:39 The King of Fighters ’97
10:09 7The Last Blade
10:39 The King of Fighters ’98
11:09 Metal Slug X
11:39 The King of Fighters ’99