On May 17, a scripted movie about Amy Winehouse’s life, “Back to Black” — starring Marisa Abela as the doomed singer — opens in the US, after earning eyebrow-raising reviews in the UK. NY Post Senior News Features Writers Michael Kaplan shares this story.
A critic for the Evening Standard called it “so bad it made me gasp in horror” and wrote that it “does not paint a nice or fair picture of [Winehouse] as a human.”
Her friends and colleagues in New York City, like saxophonist Ian Hendrickson-Smith, remember her as “wonderful.” They knew a fun-loving, mischievous and incredibly talented wom
...an prior to the tragedy that later played out before paparazzi cameras: the smeared mascara and ratty beehive and body visibly ravaged by drugs and drink and bulimia.
#amywinehouse #backtoblack
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