4K 2023 函館 五稜郭の桜 Hakodate Goryokaku Cherry Blossom Hokkaido 函館観光 桜の名所 花見 満開 旅行 北海道 sakur

DATE:21 April 2023 Hakodate Goryokaku is a star-shaped fort located in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, and is a popular spot for cherry blossom viewing during the spring season. The fort has over 1600 cherry blossom trees that were planted in 1913, and they bloom from late April to early May. The best place to see overlook view of the fort is from the 100 m observation tower called Gokyokaku Tower which is located next to the fort. Goryokaku is open to the public as a park and is one of Hakodate’s main tourist attractions. 五稜郭(ごりょうかく)は、北海道函館市にある星形要塞。幕末期に建造され、戊辰戦争の際には新政府軍と箱館政権軍の戦いが行わ
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