This is my comprehensive in depth review of the Roland FP-10 intermediate digital piano.
I have included links below to sections of the video if you want to skip any sections. And I also have some affiliate links at the bottom (please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) if you would like to check out current prices on the FP-10, a generic sustain pedal, the Roland DP-10 pedal (half-pedaling) or some of the competition I mention in the review (the Yamaha P-125 and the Casio PX-S1100). I also have some links to some online piano training I recommend.
If you enjoy this video and want to help support my channel, feel free to buy me a coffee:
Thanks for checking out the review and the channel, happy piano playing and happy piano shopping!
Written review on my website:
Product Links:
Roland FP-10: (Amazon)
M-Audio SP-2 Sustain Pedal: (Amazon)
Roland DP-10 Sustain Pedal: (Amazon)
Yamaha P-125: (Amazon)
Casio PX-S1100: (Amazon)
Roland FP-30X: (Amazon)
Online Piano Training I Recommend:
Online Rock Lessons: - USE COUPON CODE “PIANOTONE“ if you choose to sign up for the yearly subscription: this will let the instructor know I referred you, and she will include a free 20 minute orientation call with you!
Piano Man Approach:
Birds Piano Academy:
Birds Piano Academy Blues Level 1:
Birds Piano Academy Blues Level 2:
No audio input? How to hear your piano and iPad through headphones:
Chapter Links To Video Sections:
0:00 Introduction
0:55 Feature Summary
3:30 Keys / Key Action
7:17 Voices
8:00 Voice Samples
17:58 Effects
18:55 Effects Samples (& String Resonance)
20:49 Speakers
21:59 Speaker Demo
22:45 Connectivity
25:53 Piano Partner 2 App
27:25 Piano Partner 2 App Demo (includes demo of added voices & features)
35:06 Piano Designer App
37:41 Other Features
39:25 Other Choices
44:25 The Verdict
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