WING CHUN HAND MOVEMENTS / Wing Chun El Hereketleri / 詠春拳 / 2K
Wing Chun favors a relatively high, narrow stance with the elbows close to the body. Within the stance, arms are generally positioned across the vitals of the centerline with hands in a vertical “wu sau“ (“protecting hand“ position).[4] This style positions the practitioner to make readily placed blocks and fast-moving blows to vital striking points down the center of the body; neck, chest, belly and groin. Shifting or turning within a stance is done on the heels, balls, or middle (K1 or Kidney 1 point) of the foot, depending on lineage. Some Wing Chun styles discourage the use of high kicks because this risks counter-attacks to the groin. The practice of “settling“ one’s opponent to brace them more effectively against the ground helps one deliver as much force as possible to them
1 month ago 00:01:01 1
Kungfu china master 137/Hướng dẫn múa gậy #霞光腊月#kungfu #wing chun
4 months ago 00:04:32 1
“henny“ for Hennessy
4 months ago 00:17:37 1
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