Truman And Dewey Campaigning Aka The Candidates (1948)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Truman and Dewey campaigning. Various locations in the United States of America. MS Name on board at Rock Island rail station. MS the Governor of New York Thomas Dewey shaking hands with crowds. MS Crowds listening to Dewey speaking. CU Dewey speaking from end of his train. MS Crowd listening. MS Dewey standing on end of his train. MS Crowd cheering. MS Dewey speaking at Drake University. “Tonight we enter upon a campaign to unite all America. On January 20 we will enter on a new era.“ MS Crowd cheering. LS Crowds listening to Truman at Denver. CU Truman speaking. LS Denver state capital with crowds. MS President Harry Truman speaking at Denver. CU Truman on speakers platform at San Francisco. MS Crowds cheering and waving. CU Truman at speakers position. CU Crowds. CU Truman and daughter wave to crowd. CU Barkley Truman and daughter Margaret. MS Train leaving Washington. MS Truman arriving by car at Dexter Iowa. CU Truman speaking
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