This video contains graphic and disturbing imaginary. It is NOT in ANYWAY intended for kids or hyper sensitive people.
I honestly CAN NOT believe I have to spell this out for some people, but it seems to be necessary at this point.
“Why did the deer kill the dog?“
Because of self dog chased the deer with the intent to KILL, and the deer FOUGHT BACK. In what world, are you consider evil for trying to survive & defend yourself? She also eats the meat in order to survive. The dog would not have eaten the deer. He would have moved on to kill the next animal. He had a home (as evident by the collar) and got fed there, he’s NOT KILLING TO SURVIVE, HE’S KILLING FOR FUN. To him this is literally just a game. For a animal in the wild, it’s not a game, it’s their LIVES.
If you are so eager to dish out, then be ready to take in also. It’s just fair.
(End of edit)