Here’s my fingerstyle guitar cover of “Sweet Child O’ Mine“ by Guns N’ Roses. Turn on captions for lyrics :)
Behind the scenes:
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Gear & Plugins:
☞ Taylor 722ce
☞ Elixir Phosphor Bronze 12-53
☞ G7th Newport Capo & G7th Performance 3 Capo
☞ Alaska Pik
☞ Tuner
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Shot by
Ikhsan Febri Prastowo
Makeup & Hairdo by
Ratih Siube
Mixing & Mastering by
Josephine Alexandra
Video editing by
Josephine Alexandra
#SweetChildOMine #JosephineAlexandra #GunsNRoses #TaylorGuitars #TaylorPlayer #FingerstyleGuitar #GuitarCover #Fingerstyle #jpalxndrShow more