The Valk Videos will soon continue, after this Corsair commercial.
Sick of dying as melee because of shitty protection, no disengage options, op ranged classes and bugs? say no more we got you covered. Corsair the Ranged class with fun melee combat top notch iframes and decent dmg. Try it out now!
And dont you worry shes not considered really Fotm yet because people still think Succession is more broken xD kekw.
On a serious note i am waiting for the reworks for now. Valk hasnt been remotely as fun as she used to be because of how fucked her protection is as a melee class. instead of receiving buffs to those issues they just pump her full with dmg....
Im suprised myself i actually found Corsair to be really enjoyable. finally being one of those ranged cunts i always hated on :D.
must be because shes not just spam 2 ranged skills for the entire duration of a NW but also uses alot of melee combat and smaller support abilities.
Whoever is crying shes weak Git Gud mate.
NW’s are T1’s
Normal gear i got 67
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5 months ago 00:18:27 1
BDO Corsair awakening переосмысление 2022года объёмный Гайд на пробуждение Корсара.