Paint the new Duke on Royal Pegasus for the Kingdom of Bretonnia! #theoldworld
#bretonnia #warhammerfantasy #tabletopgaming
The day is finally here. I cannot tell you how excited I am to start playing The Old World! I have a game tomorrow that I’ll be recording for a battle report, as well as starting a slow grow campaign with some of my friends as well! Stay tuned for so much cool content soon!!
For my very first new model from The Old World I had to choose the Duke on Royal Pegasus. I think it’s the perfect example of a beautiful new model that still fits in so well with my previously owned Bretonnians. I only needed 14 paints to achieve the entire paintjob! Thanks @warhammer for sending the core set of the Kingdom of Bretonnia over to me early so I can get tutorials ready for you guys! Hope you like this very easy tutorial, and let me know what you guys want to see next!
Here’s the transfer tutorial:
Chaos Black
Grey Seer
Soulblight Grey (shade)
Pallid Wych Flesh (base)
Blood Angels Red (contrast)
Flesh Tearers Red (contrast)
Black Templar (contrast)
Gore-Grunta Fur (contrast)
Leadbelcher (base)
Retributor Armour (base)
Nuln Oil (shade)
Mephiston Red (base)
Khorne Red (base)
Evil Sunz Scarlet (layer)
Corvus Black (base)
Leadbelcher (base)
Mournfang Brown (base)
I also now have a affiliate code for Element Games for those of you who shop online through their website!
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Amazon Affiliate Links! (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases you do after following this link - at no cost to you):
Weathering powder :
My favourite paint racks!
Wet Palettes!
We Print Miniature code:
Hope you enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe!
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I’m now a full time content creator and have a lot of plans for the coming year.
I launched my 365 project in this video and would love for you to check it out!
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-Visit my Patreon and select a tier that suits you! Whether you want to become a Primarch of legend with one-to-one painting sessions, join the 365 project and take part in monthly Q&A’s with me on how the year is progressing, or simply pledge the price of a pot of paint, there’s something for everyone, with more subscriber rewards on the way! There’s also a discord server to join when you sign up!
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-Grab some models, brushes and paints and join my Twitch streams every Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm – 10pm GMT. Chat with me and meet the rest of the Mediocre Hobby Community as we continue to slay the grey!
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If my tutorials help you, they might help someone else in your local gaming community, online or in real life!
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