GERMANY / NEW TECHNOLOGY - Gigantic Hydravion “Rohrbach Romer“ launched in Berlin and bou...(1931)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Video roll title: Gigantic Hydravion for France Large boat plane leaving Berlin docks Full Description: Gigantic hydravion being wheeled out of hangar / TILT UP hydravion / Men pulling hydravion along / Hydravion being taken plast warehouses and along dockside/ Side of boat plane saying name of hydravion “Rohrbach Romer“ as pulled along / boatplane being lowered / boat plane in water Background: Video roll title: Gigantic Hydravion for France Large boat plane leaving Berlin docks FILM ID: VLVA55IDT7M8TVDJ3Q8OZD7JCPFM7 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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